Kenya in Crisis

As the Corona Virus has swept the world, I’ve kept and close eye on Kenya where we served as missionaries. It’s the land of my calling and will always be close to my heart. Many of you supported us as we served there and have traveled to the country and know the children and many of the pastors and their church members. Our friends are struggling. Corona virus cases are rising in number every day. Kenyans are currently under a dusk to dawn curfew until June 6, 2020. Some friends in Nzatani reported the police will beat people if they are out after curfew. Many people are hungry right now. It is a dark time. They are doing mass testing in virus hot spots, the borders remain shut, and there is a ban on public gatherings as we have had here in the states. A stipend of Kshs 5,000/ ($50) per month per person is being distributed for two months. Massive flooding has swept the country. Due to Kenyans chopping down trees for firewood, they have upset the eco-system which is called deforestation. This is causing major land-slides as the rains continue. Thousands are displaced as their homes are washed away. In February, locusts invaded the country. An effort to spray all vegetation to prevent a return of the insects was in process. But the corona virus crackdown slowed these efforts and the locusts are returning. It is predicted this locust outbreak will be twenty times worse than before. The district leadership has appealed for financial assistance but that request has fallen down the list behind the flooding devastation and the corona virus. These catastrophes have been called a ‘triple-whammy’ of crisis
Today, the orphanage is empty.
Today, the orphanage is empty. Because of the devastated state of the country, the government instructed us to temporarily release all the orphans at Kenya’s Kids Home for Street Children. It wasn’t safe to keep them together with the virus spreading as it is. They have been placed with relatives, aunts and grandparents, who will care for them until the crisis has passed. Only two girls remain at the orphanage, Faith and Miriam, who came to us as infants and have no family. All the children are safe, but nervous about their future. As we attempt to return to a bit of normalcy here, I ask you to remember the hundreds of grown orphans as they search for food and finances. Please pray for the leadership and pastors of the Kenya Assemblies of God and their church members. Kenya needs many miracles and we serve a God of miracles. Will you agree with me for the Lord’s intervention to sweep that country? A.W. Tozer said, “While it looks like things are out of control, behinds the scenes there is a God who has not surrendered authority.” Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can’t heal. Isaiah 35:10 Jesus looked at them and said, “With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27. Psalms 27:13 says…And I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. My heart is heavy for these precious people. They’re hurting. Standing on His many promises…will you pray with me? Thank you… Shirley