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Come on an Adventure to Timbuktu! An Interview by Ellen Withers

Shirley Gould, an author, inspirational speaker, and an African missionary stopped by for a visit. She has a soon-to-be-released book, Escape from Timbuktu, being published by Scrivenings Press. In the book, she uses some of her own personal African adventures. Imagine! When she is speaking to groups, she tells some of the “behind-the-scene” stories which makes readers excited to read her books. Shirley is also the founder of Kenya’s Kids Home for Street Children, an orphanage in Kenya. She wrote non-fiction for thirty years before she began writing Christian Fiction novels.

Today she shared a few tidbits of fun and inspiration about her own life.

What is your superpower?

I am fluent in Swahili. I was a missionary in Africa for 14 years.

What are you working on right now?

My second novel, Escape From Timbuktu, releases on July 25th. I am currently completing my third novel in my African Skies series. It releases on March 5th, 2024.

What is your next writing project?

I’m starting another series and plan to release a Christmas novella introducing a new series. This one takes the readers to Kenya.

What genre would you like to consider in the future that differs from what you do now?

I want to write a non-fiction book that includes personal miracles I’ve encountered…with the purpose of building faith in my readers.

What book or book series have you recently enjoyed reading?

I read everything by Denise Hunter and just finished, The Novel Proposal. I love Melissa Tagg’s writing and buy everything she writes. Irene Hanna’s books also grace my shelves.

If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

Jane, of Tarzan & Jane fame. I have swung from a vine in a rainforest and yelled like Tarzan.

What are you most thankful for?

The opportunity to be in ministry for over 50 years.

How do you relax and recharge when you step away from writing?

I read about 125+ books a year. I love to do oil paintings, and playing with my 7 grandchildren.

Do you journal?

No, but I should.

What’s your best advice for other writers?

Keep studying the craft. We should keep learning to keep offering our best work to the masses.


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