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A Different Perspective

From time to time we bring ministers from Kenya to speak at churches and mission conventions in America. On one such occasion, J.R. invited Wachira Karani,

a District Superintendent from Nyeri, Kenya. He did a wonderful job speaking and fundraising for Kenyan projects at the services that were scheduled. One afternoon Pastor Karani and J.R. returned from a trip to purchase some microphones to be used in Good News Crusades. Our Kenyan friend came in my kitchen and said, “Mama, Bwana he drived by a building and stopped and talked to a box. Then he drived again and he gave money to a man he did not know. Then he drived again to another window and a woman gave him my food.” He clapped his hands once. “Just like that! Amazing!” We laughed enjoying his description of a fast food restaurant. Last year when I was in Kenya Pastor Karani was so happy to show me a fast food restaurant that had been opened in Kenya. It was a red and white building with a bucket of chicken on the sign. The serving window was on the opposite side of the building because their steering wheels on the vehicles are on the right side of the cars. I said, “Bwana, that is so great. You have Kentucky Fried Chicken in Kenya!” He said, “Oh no, Mama. We have Kenya Fried Chicken!” During this quarantine, we have satisfied our desire to eat out by visiting fast food and ordering take-out. We have put on our masks and raided Walmart buying what we needed. But others are not as blessed as we are. In Kenya, people cook along the roadsides to sell to the public, similar to our food trucks. But when the corona virus spread across the country, these people making a living cooking for others had to close their businesses. Local restaurants closed there as they did here. Common laborers lost their jobs. Most of these people live in meager dwellings without a pantry full of food or a stocked refrigerator to carry them through tough times. I’m aware that this story is happening all around the world in various third-world countries. But many of you have traveled with me to Kenya and have met these former street children in person. You supported the work J.R. and I did as missionaries there with your finances and prayers. I’ve received many messages from my grown orphans who are among this group of people. They are desperate. They’re hungry. Please pray for Kenya and for these grown orphans trying to survive. I don’t usually mention financial assistance in my newsletters, but if the Lord lays their plight on your heart and you want to help them, send me an email.

1 comentario

17 ago 2020

Love the story about his encounter with fast food!

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