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Celebrating Abroad

We’ve all heard the old adage that says you can’t understand another person’s struggle until you walk a mile in their shoes. That is so true for missionaries serving around the world.

As missionaries in Africa, our holidays were altered according to the mission station where we served. To celebrate Thanksgiving in Kenya, we would gather with fellow missionaries serving in our area on the continent. Preparing the Thanksgiving meal stretched us as cooks when we couldn’t find the traditional ingredients in the countries of our calling. Until trade was restored with South Africa, our grocery store shelves would have few supplies for purchase. We did our best and improvised using sugar with large granules, butter with excess oil, white sweet potatoes and skinny turkeys.

Being Americans away from the States, Thanksgiving took on a more profound meaning. We were serving in places that could turn hostile and dangerous at a moment’s notice. Abject poverty and disease lined the paths we walked. Missing America was foremost in our thoughts on Thanksgiving Day.

We were incredibly thankful for the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave where our supporters faithfully gave financially so we could go to the ends of the earth sharing the gospel. Their prayers kept us safe as we served as their hands extended to the lost.

Please remember your missionaries in prayer during this holiday season. They are missing time with their loved ones, unselfishly sacrificing as they represent you on the mission field. They are thankful for each of you…

As I continue mine and J.R.’s work in Kenya, building tabernacles in his memory, helping orphaned street children and preaching in churches and women’s conferences, I count those who’ve prayed for me and sent support to my account as tremendous blessings to me this

Thanksgiving season. I’m forever grateful. Happy Thanksgiving.

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